The Artist

Name: Victoria
Profession: Veterinary Technician
Hobbies: Photography, Sketching, Writing, Learning how to sew, learning Russian

  My first paper doll book was "A Confederate Family" by Tom Tierney when I was barely seven years old. I saved up for a whole month so I could afford it. Soon all the dolls and dresses were cut out (Jean Marie was my favorite!) and the games could begin. Over the years my sister and I amassed a collection of over 200 well loved Tom Tierney paper dolls.
  We soon learned that we could create our own fashions, and from there the rest is history. I've been drawing paper dolls off and on for the past ten years, and finally have decided to do something with them instead of keeping them in a box of papers.
  Regarding the costumes, I will confess that I have no training in clothing design or fashion history. Most of my ideas are simply based on what I've seen (I use many old paintings and fashion plates as well as modern movies and designers for inspiration.) If historical dresses aren't quite spot-on, please forgive me!

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