Friday, November 12, 2010

Return from the abyss!

Whew, I had just finished typing this update when I accidently closed the window without posting! Thankfully Blogger saves unposted things as drafts so I didn't lose anything!

I'm back! Sorry it took so long; I really meant to pre-load the updates and then all of a sudden we were moving! We just got the internet set up (thanks to my loving husband) and I can start updating APC again!

It's been starting to get cold here, and snow is threatening to fall soon. This put me in the mood of nice, warm winter clothes. I know it isn't Wednesday, but I felt like switching things up. Here is Cora in a gorgeous full cloak with hood. It is made of heavy wool and lined in satin, with a ribbon to tie it closed.

Click for full-size image

1 comment:

  1. YAY! You're back! I've missed all the different girls and outfits! Hurrah!
