Saturday, July 17, 2010

Jane Eyre and Cleo

Jane Eyre is finally close to being finished! Here's a sample of the pencilled doll. She just needs some final touch-ups, inking, and then the costumes. I need to go through the book again and find how many outfits she needs and what type of dresses. I'm looking forward to having Jane completed!

.. And today is double feature day! In adition to a sneak peak, Cleo is also making an appearance:

Here is Cleo dressed as Esther from the 1959 movie of Ben Hur. It's Hollywood's spin on early first century Jewish clothing. If you haven't watched the movie, I highly reccomend it (it's long, but worth it!)

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  1. Pretty! And I like the sneak peak! I can't wait till she is done! (Jane I mean. =])
    I voted on your poll, but really, (I have to be honest) I like all of your dolls. They are very pretty. =]


  2. I love the expression you have put on Jane's face. She looks great.
