Friday, February 4, 2011

Here is Jane again, this time wearing a simple (which we've all come to expect from Jane) day gown. Perhaps this is like the one she hurridly puts on in the middle of the night after being awoken by strange laughter... and then saving her employer's life froma bed of flames.

I am in the process of creating a site where all the dresses and finished PDF's will be listed. This will make it easier for all of you to look at the different gowns, and instigate a transition from a multi-weekly updated blog to a sporadically updated gallery/portfolio of my paper dolls. I'll keep you updated on progress, my current plan is to make the switch in Spring. Updates will continue as normal for the time being until then!

1 comment:

  1. A beautiful dress, as always. I'll be sad to see you leave the set of paper doll blogs I enjoy, but I definitely understand that the format isn't good for everyone. I look forward to your new site.
