Friday, October 1, 2010

Tea Time in Milton

I must have been more tired this morning than I thought! The first post I created for Margaret was the same gown as last week! It wasn't until I had already written about it (again) and posted it up that I thought: "this feels familiar..." and sure enough, it was a double post. So, it's been deleted and this is my second try! lol.

Margaret and her family are somewhat situated in Milton now, even if they are not yet accustomed to it. The weatehr is colder, the air is full of soot from factories, and the people are a good deal different. Margaret's father has taken on a few students, teaching from the classics (such as Plato and Aristotle). This evening he has invited his favorite pupil and new friend, Mr. Thornton, to tea.
Margaret dresses in this lovely "light colored muslin... with a good deal of pink in it". She looks stunning by the gaslight as she serves tea and tries to be interested as her father and Mr. Thornton discuss philosophy long into the evening.

Click for full-size image

1 comment:

  1. I just love it! I'm a total sucker for pretty pink dresses... do you ever color any of these?
