Saturday, June 5, 2010

Sketchy Saturday!

I'm so happy Saturday has come! Even though there were only four days in this work week (hurrah for Memorial Day!) it seemed too long. I'm enjoying a weekend of drawing, movies, and church. A nice relaxing combination.

Today I'm not giving you any new dolls or dresses, rather, I'm posting some ideas I have. I sat down at my desk after work on Friday and didn't feel like pulling out any of my current projects, so I started new ones!
Caution: I am infamous for starting new projects, it's finishing them that I have trouble with!

Here is Sheena. I wanted to stretch my talents by trying a different pose. I think I almost succeeded, but the proportions on the arms are wrong. I'll probably go back and change that before inking her. She will present quite the challenge for drawing dresses. All those wrinkles and drapes from the seated position. This will be a difficult one!

I mentioned a week or so ago that I had recently read Jane Eyre. I now have Jane on the brain, and have started sketching ideas. She is supposed to be very plain, with a plain hairstyle, and plain clothing. So I'm playing around with different facial shapes, eyes, nose, mouth, etc. and this is so far what I like the best. Soon I'll choose a pose for the doll and actually start a paper doll with dresses for her!
I also tried coloring one of the sketches (I'm usually afraid of colors, so this is quite the step forward for me!). I was inspired by Liana's beautiful paper dolls at her blog, and attempted it. Perhaps the future will yield more successful attempts once I begin practicing with color more.


  1. Wow, they look really good. Maybe her calf on her legs are too small too. Not sure though. =]

  2. I can't wait to see the finished dolls!

  3. I think you're right, compared to her thigh, her calf is pretty small. Thanks!

  4. I think the coloring turned out well -- nice subtle detail on the hair :) I'm the opposite, because I'm afraid of black and white. I always, always end up smudging it because I'm left-handed, I guess that's why ^^;;

  5. That's the worst feeling when you smudge a line art, especially when it's almost done :) I've ruined many a costume that way
